
Pinoy Lyrics Tambayan is a free web page here in the World Wide Web where you can find different song lyrics. The mission of this blog is also same with other lyric blogs which is to provide accurate and reliable lyrics of different songs. The only difference of this blog to others is simply we focused on posting the lyrics of different songs and we enhance our lyrics blog page by putting an online radio.

Since we respect the ownership of the song media file of every artist and band we decided not to include a playlist option of their songs. In this way we can be able to help them to avoid the piracy of their songs.

In the future in our simple song lyrics blog page we will be adding a chat box on the side section of the page to enhance the interaction of every viewer by means of chatting.

We are hoping that this blog will be helpful to you. Feel free to like our Pinoy Lyrics Tambayan on Facebook or you may follow us in our Twitter account.

If you have a song lyrics request feel free to message us via email and we will be adding it in our page and we will also inform you if the lyrics is already available here.

You can also subscribe here in our blog by simply entering your Email address in our subscribers page.

We would like you to know that our blog is open to received advice or comment from you. Thank you very much because your suggestion will help us to improve our blog.

Please support our lyrics blog by giving us feedback and by continuously visiting us here. You can also bookmarked our blog in your browser weather if it’s Google Chrome, Firefox, I.E, Safari, Opera and other web browser.